Citroën BX16valve Forum - Conditions of Use
By making use of this forum, you are acknowledging that you have read, understood and agree to abide by the rules of the BX16valve Club, as described below.
In the case of non-Club Members, you are welcome to use the forum, providing you register first, upon registration your account will be manually activated by an Admin once your details have been approved.
However, any abuse of this hospitality will result in the termination of your account.
BX16valve Club Members will also need to register to use the forum, but will be entitled to use additional sections of the forum, which are not available to non-Club Members.
To gain access to this club area you must meet the approval of the Admin and Moderators who are here to enforce the main aim of the club which is to preserve and maintain the increasingly rare BX 16valve.
A few general rules:
No abusive comments
No libellous comments
No use of the forum as a personal chat room
No advertising, except for the Classified Ads sections. Please keep these relevant to the BX16V
Bear in mind that all parts of this forum should remain suitable for viewers of any age so swearig is not appreciated and will be removed if deemed offensive.
Please remember any advice or information found on this forum is to be used only in a responsible way and you are responsible for the outcome of any use of this information.
The Administrator:
The Administrator is the owner and webmaster of the site and is the person responsible for the existence of this forum. His aim is to provide a resource for all owners and enthusiasts of the Citroën BX 16valve.
The Moderator:
The aim of the Moderator is to ensure that the forum remains a suitable place for all age groups who are expected to use it. Together with the Administrator, the Moderator can remove or modify posts as he or she sees fit, in order to maintain the integrity of both the BX16valve Club and of the Forum.
Please note - Although this forum is closely linked with the old now locked 16v forum the rules and practises from that old forum do not automatically follow over to here.
BeXchange - Buying and selling on this forum :-
The BeXchange section is purely for advertising items offered or wanted and the forum and its administrators accept no responsibility for the condition of any of these items.
The parties involved in any dealings are responsible for their own conduct and the forum will not act as an agent for any parties unless the forum itself is in question.
We hope you enjoy this resource.
Please call me Luke
1989 BX 16valve White 70k almost up to scratch

1989 BX 16valve White 70k almost up to scratch