The restricted access part of this forum is designed to be the base for an owners club.
However this will not automatically mean non owners will not be allowed access.
The aim of the members area is to provide a place for true enthusiasts to discuss their cars and the owners club aims to promote the BX 16v and help its members in any way it can.
To join the owners club first you must register with the forum here -
And then if you own or have owned a BX 16v you can provide details here -
If you have any problems accessing the members area please send a pm to Toddman as all activation is done manually on this forum.
Upon submission we will check the information given and add it to our database and providing everything is in order you will be granted access to the members area.
Don't worry if you do not own a BX 16v just join the forum and then you can contact the admin to gain access to the members area.
Many thanks
Luke (BX 16valve Admin)
Accessing Members Area
Accessing Members Area
Please call me Luke
1989 BX 16valve White 70k almost up to scratch

1989 BX 16valve White 70k almost up to scratch