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Gauge Cluster Earths (Where are they)

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 1:08 am
by cammmy
Hi Guys

I have some electrical niggles with my valver (Who doesn't? :lol:). List below:

With headlights on, Oil pressure reads higher
With headlights and heater on, alt warning light comes on (the higher the blower speed the brighter the light)
With headlights on, alt warning light flashes with indicator (some-times)
Cluster backlight dims when brake pedal pressed.

I think the earths for the cluster need cleaning up, rather than the altertanor replacing. The problem is I don't know where they are.

Can anyone help me out?


Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 1:28 am
by NZ16v
there is a massive one on the steering column, that would be the first one i would go for. Remove all the plastic bits around column, and its tucked up on the left, bunch of wires going in to a central plug

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 1:52 am
by cammmy
Sweet, cheers.

Alex maaaaaaaaaaaaaaate. Why am I not surprised you're on here :lol:

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 10:03 pm
by Timmo
Rear light earths are behind the units them selves, pop the lights off through the cubby holes in the boot and should see them, quite a common issue, Rear sunroof drains come down there!!

also worth checking the battery to chassis earth, battery to battery clamp earth and the battery to Gear box earth,
i got a Silly big thick earth cable from the local car electrical place, and got a normal braided strap for the batt to clamp and a Thick un for the batt to chassis, the three cost me less than £15,

Check your battery with a multimeter with all the switches you mentioned on and check the voltage, if its dropping into 12v then it could be wearing out the alt slowly, otherwise check for a good connection on the battery light wire on the alternator, or alternator bbushes wearing out,
mine used to do it a lot before i upped all the earths!

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 10:20 pm
by cammmy
Awesome bud, thanks.

I have spare alts so I could probably try one of those. It just 'feels' more like an earthing issue I guess :lol: Could be completely wrong though.

Also, mines non-sunroof 8)